Category: RokSprocket Tabs
Oct 23 2013- webtraxadmin
“Diversity Initiatives was named Educational Program of the Month because of That Takes Ovaries. We look forward to future collaborations in hopes of providing students with events that challenge them to seek opportunities of cultural immersion. Your event helped us achieve that.” – Diversity Initiatives, Newport Univ.
- “Part of our Diversity Series, the program was amazing and the response from the audience was nothing short of a movement to embrace, affirm, share and discover our connectedness through stories of courage, wit and determination.” – Diversity Director, Univ. of Nebraska Medical Ctr.
- “A very good turn out. The event was motivational.” – Director, Office of Diversity, Longwood Univ.
Media Reviews
Oct 23 2013- webtraxadmin
“[S]alutes ‘ballsy’ acts by bold women – the anatomically correct way.” – Glamour magazine
- “In praise of strong women… gynocentric tales of courage.” – Washington Post
- “Plenty of defiance was in evidence at a recent event celebrating Ovaries.” – Chicago Tribune
- “Look no further: That Takes Ovaries is powerful theater… by literally handing the stage over to the audience, That Takes Ovaries rewards individual audience members for their own ovarian acts, encourages future ones and ultimately changes culture for the better.” – Ms. magazine
Leading a Bold Life
Oct 23 2013- webtraxadmin
- “The model of empowerment that That Takes Ovaries uses with women and girls
around the globe has been very helpful to us here in our women’s centres situated around India, and in our work to help end sex trafficking on the India-Nepal border. The That Takes Ovaries model that we are still using here in India, long after [TTO] has left, is replicable and perhaps universal.” – Founder & President, Apne Aap Worldwide, India
- “We love That Takes Ovaries! Every year, Amnesty International Australia organizes a campaign that focuses on ending violence against women. We use a That Takes Ovaries event to end the campaign on a high note. Celebrating women and the bold things they do in the face of violence provides a boost to all of us!” – Community Campaigner, Amnesty International Australia
College Events
Jan 15 2013- webtraxadmin
“We wanted a big culmination to Int’l Women’s Week. That Takes Ovaries was just what we were looking for … vibrant, intelligent, challenging, hilarious, completely unabashed. We loved it! Genuinely inspiring.” – Stanford Univ., Women’s Health and Human Rights
- “That Takes Ovaries changes the way women look at themselves … a must-do-must-see for all students.” – Dir. of Corp. Outreach, Holy Names Univ.
- “Electrified the audience … students still make references to That Takes Ovaries … an excellent presentation!” – Chair, Women’s Studies Dept., William Paterson Univ.
- “Couldn’t have been more inspirational, warm, and inclusive.” – Women’s Studies, Hope College State Univ.
Teen Events
Jan 15 2013- webtraxadmin
- “The message of That Takes Ovaries, to lead a bold life, is a crucial message for teens.” –
Exec. Director, Teen Voices magazine
- “At our High School event, girls went away feeling empowered, proud to be female.” – Event organizer, Cambridge Rindge and Latin
- “I highly recommend That Takes Ovaries – 100 percent!” – Event organizer, Community Center for Learning, Nairobi, Kenya
- “The overwhelmingly positive response from the students proves that the work you are doing is of the utmost importance as well as relevant and engaging to the youth of today. We couldn’t be more pleased with the result.” – Advisory Coordinator, Academy of Arts and Sciences High School